It's Hard for Me

Do you know how hard it is
To keep a smile on my face
To show happiness all the time
When all I want to do is break down and cry
Turn my laughter into silent sobs
My happiness and replace it with pain
Always the shoulder to cry on
Drying everyone’s tears
I try to be happy
So you all have the chance to be sad
It’s hard to see everyone cry
When I fake a smile, pasting it on my face
I try make sure your safe
It kills me to know
I can’t always be there for everyone
When they need me most
I want to shatter my smile
Let my tears fall
But for you
I hold them in
For you
I stay strong
Hold back my tears
Dry yours
I hold together my fake smile
So that I can kill your frown
Being the light is hard
When all you want
Is to escape into the dark