
Have you ever gotten then feeling when you meet someone your gonna become the best of friends, and you no that everything will turn out great, and that feeling makes you so happy that when you go home you tell everybody about that new best friend you have just made.
Not only does it make you happy but it makes your family happy knowing that their daughter has found a friend.(lol)

I had that feeling once well I still do but its fading away quit quickly I barely no if its their anymore.

See I have this friend I would go to the end of the world for her were like sisters; she has been one of my best friends for nearly 2 years. But it seems that were no longer as close as we were all those years back.

Now some new girl has joined our friendship group, I like her a lot as well but she …. Well the nicest way of putting it she’s a friend stealer.

See I’ve tried to reason with her and be nice even though everyday I feel like my best friends are slowly drifting away from me, and I’m being more and more neglected.

Now all I feel is lost and alone

And that I’m only wanted when needed
Or that person that people go to when they have problems and they expect you to help them out.

All I am is that spare person to people; they don’t notice how badly it hurts inside. How it affects me everyday. The only thing keeping me going as that mask that’s all.

I don’t know what else to do anymore, I don’t want to be alone.