A Road to Choose

A gain I stand here, eyes wide open.

R oads splitting off.
O ne to the future, unfamilliar.
A other to my past, illuminated but cold.
D ecisions to look back one more time, for old times sake.

T here is no alternative,
O ne road is the answer.

C hange is upon me,
H ere and now.
O ne road to choose,
O nly one way to go.
S o I close my eyes once more.
E ventually they'll open again...
♠ ♠ ♠
Another moment where I stood back and looked at things in my life again.
I'm already off and living the college life and there is so much going on.
When I was at high school, more so once I graduated I opened my eyes, I was on the cusp of something big. A new journey lay before me and I was about to embark on it.
Now I'm standing here ON this journey and I'm wondering; where am I going? What am I doing? There are so many routes to choose but they all fall under one singular path: Growing up and moving on.

I'd say I'm not ready but we all have to embark sooner or later on this journey and I'm already setting foot into it. Can't go back now, too much pride to think otherwise. There are people I don't want to let down and I don't want to let down myself. It is not an option to me and I plan to keep it that way, from here on out, I have to grow.