
I want you to be the first girl I ever taste.
I want your taste to linger on my lips like a catchy song.
Gosh, I know the taste of you will be the closest thing I get to heaven.
God knows this, it's why he sent me you.

The first time you looked at me through lovers eyes
I swear I knew that you'd never mistake me for a mirror.
You know I'm a river.

I've got ripples and I'm no perfect reflection
But you know that my ripples are cause by something so great
It stops Jesus in his tracks.

You said I was a great listener.
That night I stayed up dreaming up ways
To gift wrap my ears for you and make them hang from your neck
So that you'd have them there

Whenever that boy won't listen.
When he puts a hand over your mouth
And he swears,
"now baby, that just ain't fair."

But know this,
I'll be your Van Gogh any time you need me to lend an ear.