Glass Bottle Love

Put your secrets inside of me
And send me out to sea.
Fill me full of love
And give me to the world.
Seal me with a kiss
So that my insides wont get touched
While I'm all alone.
I can't promise that once you let me go
That someone else won't find me, and open me up, spill all of your secrets,
And fill me up with secrets of their own.
They'll spend a long time trying to open me up, I'm sure.
Enticed by what they might find inside.
After all of the work they put in
They'll clean me up.
Nice and dry.
Rid me of all of the salty water I kept inside.
After they're sure their secrets won't get mixed with yours.
They'll send me away too
And I'll be on my own again.
Sent out to the world
Until my fate intertwines with a glass bottle collector
Who thinks they've found a diamond in the ruff.
They'll think I'm beautiful just because I've held so many secrets.
And they'll let me keep theirs forever