I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind
That I grow hair on my knuckles.
Mostly brown,
And golden when the light hits right
So you can barely see.
But one knuckle has hair so black
I stare at it and wish we were in the dark
Just so you couldn't see it.

I hope you don't mind
That sometimes I sound like a boston terrier
When I choke on my lungs.

I hope you don't mind,
I grow hair on my belly button
And some on the small of my back

I hope you don't mind, but
When I sleep I sound like a little bear,
Hibernating during the winter.

I hope you don't mind
That I'm really bad at singing,
But I love to sing.

But mostly, I hope that you don't mind
That I don't really mind any of these things.