when i get to be

When I get to be

A mother,

I will sing to my love like the birds tell there stories.

There secret story of fear, flight and search

My daughter my baby will read the stars like the future ahead,

The golden rushing future as she grows and time creeps up my back.

I will grow old with my hair silver and skin soft like the baby I once was.

They my children will grow like the hurricane over warm water.

Going faster leaving behind just a bit of dust, a bit of memory. A bit of love,

Like a hurricane falling down and picking up and never truly dieing away.

Never forgetting the memory of her mother, whose love made her world,

And yet betrothed her mistakes.

The drops of rain crashing to the ground, glistening, running hitting what lies

Beneath only to be lifted once more.

When I get to be a mother my mistakes will help my baby grow,

Grow within the earth like a hard cactus forming a beautiful red flower,

Like her red heart burning with strength, Love and will.

And when she gets to be a mother her mistakes will teach her daughter,

Just like the fish learns to swim.

Together we will all grow.

When I get to be a mother,

My mother will be old but by the beauty of her heart her love will blossom

Blossom with like the flower bursting form the earth, and from that love,.

Her mistakes will become mine and together.

We will fly away like birds telling our story of being a mother,

But not until I become,

A mother.