Again and Again (2/12/12)

Again and again
Thinking of the right words to say
Time swiftly passing away
Thinking about you all day
Desiring you all night
I asked you out on Facebook

You turned me down
You said to do it in person
So I gave it a shot
Looking for confidence
Shy and scared my heart raced fast
Not a second to waste
Don't let the opportunity pass

I desperately was searching for confidence
I knew after today I'd never have a chance
So I took it with every emotion in me
I set my heart free and asked you
If you'd like to hangout sometime with me
And what did you do?

Under your breath said no
Again and again I told myself
Not to love another
Sadly I never listen deep down
I knew you'd say no but I do desperately wished it was a yes

At least if you would have said yes
I wouldn't feel like a broken sad mess
I need to lay my head down and rest
I know I tried my best
I gave you my all and you let me down

Oh how I wished you were different
How I wished you were different
You're all the same disguised in a new body
Women are blind to being bitches
I searched for something I had buried deep inside me something I never noticed I had before
But you were another blind stupid whore