Thee (10/10/12)

It started with a ride to cvs
It ended when my lips met yours
Behind closed doors
My greatest accomplishment
Was my biggest defeat
What meant the world to me
Meant nothing to thee

I've always told you my deepest emotions
Then when I tried to share myself with you
You pushed me away and to this day
Things aren't the same with thee
I will not speak your name
But our lips shall forever remain
The passionate kiss that was in vain

That summer four years ago today
I'll never be able change
The way fates work is rather strange
I gave you my words
When you gave me a smile and rearranged the S and struck me with a Sword
You murdered me with my love

A part of me died and
A part of me still wants a taste
A few tears I've cried
When I found out wanting you was a waste
You don't deserve me
I don't deserve women like thee

I feel bad for guys like me
Moving on isn't easy for us
like it is for some
Drinking myself away with rum
Not sure if that makes me a pirate or a bum
A part of me knows the longer I wait it won't be worth it but at least I get some