Don't Hold Me


Don't hold me if you can not love me

Don't hold me if you can not be there for me

I pause

Chuckeling darkly cause you couldn't anyways because you were never around


Don't hold me if you can not keep any promise you make

Don't hold me if you can not be worth any of my trust

I close my eyes

Remembering how you betrayed me for another


Don't hold me if you can not come to me with more then just lust

Don't hold me if you can not every really care for me

I lean back in my chair

Feeling the pain you left in my heart


Don't hold me if you can not provide anything whether it be physical or emotional

Don't hold me if you can not have fiath in God

I tilt my head to the side in thought

Forgiving you because maybe you yourself was hurt by someone you loved or cared for

God said to always forgive


I, myself could never hold a grudge