Flame to Fire

You never expect life, to take such a tragic turn.

You turn a spark to fire, forgetting about the burn.

People, hope, and god, attempt to stop the flame.

You refuse to listen, they're the ones to blame.

Feverish and blind, down goes another bottle.

A fiery sweet sensation, turns into tomorrow.

Ignorant godguzzling parents, worship, pray and hope.

That maybe you'll get tired enough, so they can can shove HIM down your throat.

You won't let this bullshit god, rise you up again.

So in goes another needle, and the numbness begins.

Spineless believers of the world, whatever happened to you all?

Did a big bad god tell you, that if you didn't pray you'd fall?

Explain then how...

Ripping familes apart;

Taking children;

Murding friends;

Abusing wives;

and fathers that leave their family behind...

Could come from "The Most Loving God of All"?