Happy Birthday Jeremy

Exactly 17 fateful years ago,

there lay a poor soul, fragile and cold.

His innocent heart,

not able to be saved.

Lies in a bed of velvet,

below a concrete grave.

There were so many tears,

overwhelming words of comfort muttered.

But nothing could mend,

the torn heart of this broken mother.

Everyone said,

this is an act of fate.

That somewhere dear Jeremy,

was waiting at Heaven’s gate.

But this did not sooth her,

because she couldn’t see her son.

Not until her job on earth,

had been fulfilled and done.

So here as a broken and grieving family,

we wait here to see our lost one, Jeremy.

We await the faraway day,

where if you have kept the faith.

That we’ll come home to Jeremy,

and love one another for eternity.
♠ ♠ ♠
For my brother