
Young and fragile precious daughter

Hiding in a darkened corner

Waitin' for a drunken mother

Cradeling baby brother

I've got one question for you

Dear lord what did we do?

These little hands can't pry away bottles

We can't make her drop the needles

Tears are running down broken faces

Little children born disgraces

We clasp our hands and cry up above

All we want is a mother's love

Every night another mistake

It's not her soul he tries to take

I see her spirit begin to break

The smile she wears is so fake

I've got one question for you

Dear lord what did we do

No little kids should barry their parents

It's too soon and we can't bare it

Please step in and fight our fears

We're so young and there's so many tears

Little girls can't afford to be mothers

Can't take care of little brothers

I just want one answer Jesus

Why did you ever leave us

Little children can't fight on our own

I cannot call this home

Why did you leave us all alone

I guess to sadness you're prone

I've got one question for you

Dear Lord what did we do

These little hearts can't handle this pain

And yet you put us through it again and again
♠ ♠ ♠
I was verging on atheism at one point in time, I hated the idea of god and what he stood for. Mostly I had these feelings because religion had been pushed on me, however I do not feel so severly about religion anymore, people may believe what they may. To each is own.