Dear Dad,

The hate I have for you

Count the stars in the sky

Scratch that, not even close

I want you to die

I wish you'd stop calling

You're nothing to me

I remember when I loved you

Such a distant memory

You might as well give up

My forgiveness has reached a hault

But you keep pushing

Sayin' it's my fault?

The colors of my fury

The rays of the sun

Is hurting your daughter

Your idea of fun?

Can you give me an answer?

Because I just don't see

How the source of all your drinking

Is your wife and son and me

Didn't you want your family?

Isn't that why you took us away?

What was the point?

When back to the bottle you'd stray

I hope the liquour fills you up

With whatever we couldn't give

I hope you crash in a ditch

And no don't bother to live

Or ya know what? Feel free

Go right on ahead

So you can wake up

With no one next to your hospital bed

The word hate is not enough

Nor is any on this page

I hold a bottle too see?

Full of nothing but blinded rage

Accept daddy dearest I'm not blind

To you and what you are

I don't need you in my life

This time you've gone to far

You can claim I'm just as bad

Or even that mom is worse

You can even blame the devil

Say what's inside you is a curse

But see dad here's the thing

I'm not so little anymore

I've grown up and learned some

I can tell you what's in store

You'll probably get sober

A few more times, and then again

Every time reasurring yourself

God will forgive your sin

Well that's all well and good

I couldn't give a flying fuck

You just keep on living your cycle

I'm sure christ'll be your crutch!
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, a seething anger for my father during a time when he had abandoned us for alcohol. Refer to my other poem about my dad for more information.