Moving On

This, this right here, is to every guy I've ever loved.
Somehow, someway, you've all hurt me.
You've all killed me a little inside.
You've ripped my heart open.
It took me so long to heal, each and every time.
The hardest one to let go of was Cameron, though.
We didn't chose to fall apart.
My parents chose that for us.
"No, he's too old."
It's all I heard for months.
We snuck around though, trying to make it work.
Of course the parental units found out.
They cut me off from him.
My heart ached.
I yearned for him.
But alas, nothing changed.
I cried many a night over him.
I thought I'd never love again, but I was wrong.
I found love in someone new.
He's sweet and he loves me back.
"My love" he calls me.
If you would have told me a year ago, that I would be in a relationship right now...
I'd call you crazy.
So call me foolish, call me naive.
But I'm in love.