Why Be Alive

I sit here crying
I'm slowly dieing
They ripped out my heart
Then tore it apart
They took you away
I feared this day
It finally came
I don't feel the same
I really need to die
I'm about to try
I have no guns
I have no knives
I'll find a way
We'll be together
And we'll show them
Someday, in heaven,
We'll live happily ever after
But no
They killed me
They took my life
I love you so much
But they don't care
No one gives a shit
I need you
I breathe you
You are my life
You are the only one for me
I love you so fucking much
i'll never leave
You own my heart
You own the key
Your my other half
But now, i shall die
Slowly, suffering, pain
I need pain
I feel pain
My life is pain
So why be alive