
I wondered if I should think twice before putting my hand in yours
But when you turned I said " Wait for me here again"
I knew right there that you were the one for me
The one that I want for eternity
Hand in hand.Side by side
we were gonna run away that night
City lights flashing all the way up to the sky
I looked at you with wild eyes
And you said "Don't worry I'll never say Good-bye"
I said "I want to fly with you tonight"
Thinking if we were gonna be okay
My heart was beating loudly in a million ways
You held my face in place and kissed me
All my fears and worries disappeared
And flied away a million years
The way we feel.The Things we say
Are what's gonna make tomorrow okay
♠ ♠ ♠
Something like this would be the only way I would runaway with the love of my life. :D
Thanks for reading. :)