My True Thoughts of You My Friend

Angry and over stressed you cause me to be
I loathe everything about your smug Face
Hating every aspect of you right down to your core and center
Longing for the dying day when absence of your presence is gone
Just an annoying splinter
That’s dug deep down inside
As a trigger in my mouth is more tolerable thought
Just to leave a fresh blood spot
On the back wall
As I flick you off with my dying hand
For you’re truly a pathetic excuse of a man
That seeks easy ways out
Thinking no one will catch you without a doubt
You will sink further and further
As I lend a hand to push you down below
Beneath the snow
Is where you belong
Unable to sing a single song
As dirt engulfs you
This event is long over due
But I feel as one day itll come true
Not by me for I need not to taint my hand
With you wrecked sinful blood
That would be even a sorry excuse for mud
So and oh to you, you smug bastard
Who thinks you’re the master
A swell fuck you
And now I must part ways
And continue my days
Bye forever