That one person.

There will always be that one person
That one you look up to
That on you go to when you need someone
That one who listens to you
When no one else will
That one who understands you
More then anyone else in the world
That one who knows everything about you
That one who cares about you more then you realize
That one person...
That one you call a hero.
That one you tell everything
And anything to
But what do you do...
When that person says they are "done"
Done helping you
Done being the one you go
Some how you pushed them away
But you don't know how
You don't understand why
Then you think of all the others
All the other people who left
All who have been dissapointted in you
And somewhere deep down
You arn't surprised
But it still hurts more then anything
You wish you could go back
Back and change your actions
And choices
But you can't go back
And somehow you have to accept it
But it's so hard cause
You never thought they would give up on you
That they would be done.. You didn't expect it from..
That one person ...
♠ ♠ ♠
Never understand