Things I'm Going To Tell You Someday.

The words are all jumbled up inside of me
I feel like I'm going to explode if they don't come out.
This is why I'm writing about you and what I want you to be.
Because I love you without a doubt.
All i want you to be,
is with me forever.
I know if I tried to look for someone else,
It would be impossible, because I'd still want to be together. <3
The last time I was with someone,
it wasn't like this.
I didn't love him like I love you,
and it went to shit.
People don't know about how serious this is getting,
because I'm scared to talk about you.
I feel like if I express my feelings to anyone but you,
it would jinx everything we have.
I promised you that you were perfect
and that I'm sticking by your side.
I swore I'd never leave you,
but I lied.
You're actually everything that I've ever wanted and more.
But I always leave your side.
Not when we're together, but once you leave.
I always feel so empty afterwards;
so incomplete.
No one could ever take your place,
and I wouldn't want anyone else.
I'll love you until the day I die.
and I promise you this, with everything I have left inside.
I love you.
Please don't ever leave me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I already sent this to you and I'm scared at what you'll say.
I don't want to wait until tomorrow to know. :l <3