Maybe it wasn't love, maybe it was just me being alone.

I saw you past by again, and you never noticed me...
I saw the way you talked to my best friend, and I saw how you flirted with her but not me.

I saw you walking with your friends, but you never notice me
I remember when I first met you, and now how I wish I could come back in time, redo things and erase my feelings for you, but I can't...

Why do I have to love you, when you obviously do not.
My friends tell me, you're not interested, but I cannot care;
Maybe because the wall seems to tempting and I wanna taste the fall, or it could be because I just loved the deception it brought...

I remember how I wished for us to be together, I dreamt of that moment, I thought someday you could love me, but you did not.

I remember our last day together, and how I avoided your face, I tried to stay away, thought it would hurt less, thought my heart I could protect, because goddbyes weren't my thing, but you talked to me, just a chatty thing. And as hours pass, you were there, but I; I couldn't say 'goodbye'...

Maybe it was for the best.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's just something that has been on my phone too much.
