Pot hole of your soul

My mind is plauged by the thoughts of you
The memories of what we once were
For my heart yearns for your touch, 
The way our skin would meet and the passion of what our love once was would explode and make my heart melt in you hands,
But your touch grew cold and our hearts grew apart,
But not by my fault but your,
Your heart grew as cold as your eyes and the passion in my heart couldn't thaw your once flourishing garden of your soul,
I begged and pleaded for you to care but u acted like there was nothing we could do to repair what was broken 
We drifted apart and i was forced to destroy the bonds that was tearing my soul to sherds and left my mind an abyss of memories of you, 
But for you, our love was as pure as what i though it was, for you it was easy to move on and find "love" again, but for me, i still search the abyss of light.
Looking for a glimmer of hope that will guide me to a garden of someone elses soul,
Someone to love me better the you claimed to love me, more passionate then you "tried" to love me, and will love me through the trials and tribulations that time present. For what i though i love was, was merely a fasad to you, i was just a hole to fill your soul, not a man to be loved but a gap to be paved over! I am not nor will ever be again tue tar in the ground to fill the pot hole in your soul.