Shine A Light: Brian Jones

I can see
The wind blowing through the trees
Sun beaming down on them
They do not understand
Nor can they hear
Bathed in chlorine, your soul is gone
Washed away your only dream
We're all young and reckless
We're all shy and sensitive
Why would you let them take you for granted?
Just another ghost, he said
Another one dead
Smiles have vanished from their faces
Their eyes are hungry
More. They want.
Flooding the Mississippi River
My time has come
Chants the king
By any other
His glory is powerful
He doesn't see
Nor can he hear
He does not care
His voice becomes inaudible
No one cares anymore, I say
It's gone, yes, it is
The fame
The soul of rock 'n' roll
You'll never live to thirty, he tells you
You just shrug your head.
And say yes
How cold
The world is a giant mass of air
Turning our last breaths into desperate cries of hope
Yet another soul lost
The troubles have vanished
Nothing left to fear, young one
For one day you will be near them
We are them
And they are us
♠ ♠ ♠
Rest in peace Brian Jones.