The Dance of Swan and Raven

My soul's a vibrant skylight show
And you are taking your sweet time arriving at the get in line.
Various colors are all pulsing
When every night you are waltzing,
Waltzing with my stitched up heart
Even when we broke apart...

Ocean waves dowsing my loneliness
But I'm still dancing to a cloudy boon
When insanity does interrupt my sad ballet
I simply, Simply twirl away

When the sun dictates that night obey
I simply, Simply look away
For the sun reminds me of a spot lit stage
We shared when love
Sweet love was up above
When we both borne a dear affair.

A Swan, so elegant and beautiful:
A Raven, so strong and handsome:

Made love with fears of being torn
Two hearts apart.

Their ballet slippers, that of gental silk,
Obscured the pain, the burn and the hurt
With dedication none could fake.

They ignored the Vultures, throwing rocks
The hummingbird and his evil mocks.

Swan and Raven,
Lept and spun
Their wills so strong they knew they'd won.

Alas, a start to Swans' strength lapse
When eventually Ravens' Swan passed.

Swan did fall back into her soul
in relief to let the tears unfold

"Our faith destroyed,
Our wings afraid
Where life goes dark
thy will betrayed."

They waltzed together in the night
The Swan, her heart once torn apart
Became a rose with thorns that hold Raven close.
Swan and Raven danced their part
Forever love never to stop.