A Better Tomorrow

They say that one day the storm will pass
But there’s only lightning in every direction

That every story has a happy ending
But we’re still stuck on the first page

That the sun will always follow night
But it hasn’t risen in a while

That moving on will help you to grow
But I feel that I’m sinking lower

That love is all around you
But I feel so alone

That everything will be okay
But these feelings always return

I close my eyes and sleep ‘til morning
But I’m still stuck in my rut

Waiting for the day that will never come
Dreaming of a better tomorrow
♠ ♠ ♠
-_-' Life's been constantly going downhill for me lately... which only means I have a bigger mountain to climb when I start to go up again... Bleh >P
This is what I meant in 'my friend mac' about poets all being depressing, haha. *depressed sigh* I need to get over this and do my homework. Peace out.