Rain in Her Heart; Love in Her Eyes

how can you smile like that even though you lost it all?
(because i choose to rise instead of fall)
how can you laugh with all that pain?
(because shedding tears gives me nothing to gain)
how can you have hope when all has gone wrong?
(because you can't dwell in misery, life just doesn't give you that long)
how can you hide your depression so well?
(because i want others to laugh, so against the tears i'll rebel)
why do you try so hard to make those others happy?
(because i care for them greatly and never want them to feel crappy)
you've seen your loved one die right before your eyes,
aren't you afraid of the inevitable demise?
( i'm not, and i never will be,
for i live my life to make others happy,
if i can make someone laugh and feel no pain,
then i'd die in peace knowing there would be sunshine in their heart rather than the rain...)