Passion at the Corner of Roanoke and Joyner.

Pick up.
Pick up.
Pick up...

Do you mind if I stop by, for a little while?
I have a confession, that adds to the list.
Remember the life that we left behind?
Hear me out, please, for once, stop the shit.

I never forgave you for my stupid lies.
And my faults should have never been in your hand.
Might as well say sorry, but you know it won't cut it,
For an even sorrier excuse of a man.

Too many times, I traded you for rocks.
A time too many, that I sunk so deep.
Not many times that it crossed my thoughts...
In the palm of my hand, was the hardest to keep.

I must sound like bullcrap, but dont hang up yet.
Hear what I have to say, please listen to me.
It's eating me up, this frigid regret...
I want you to know why this is meant to be.

Think about how we used to talk.
The way I would catch your smile in the halls.
Do you remember those moonlight nights?
How we gazed at the stars from your Drapery Falls...

You gave me a taste of what it means...
To be content, with a reason to exist.
I woke up for you, after sleeping with them.
And I hated myself like the cuts on my wrists.

Yes, I admit, I was foolish, and stupid.
Took you for granted, and you deserve another chance.
Never admitted, I want to be committed...
You left on that night without our last dance.

So through everything it took, I looked up this number.
And silently hoped that you would understand why.
I still have your address, if you still live on Joyner...

I'm looking for someone, and just thought I'd stop by.