Something Inside

Something inside me,
Tells me constantly on loop,
I'm a failure,
I'm never accomplish a thing,

I fuck up everything,
I disappoint your family,
I fuck over your friends,
I a pathetic waste of space,

That I should be dead,
Dangling from a rope,
Wrapped around my neck,
Before I make the world worse,

That I am not worth all I have,
That I deserve all the shit coming to me,
That I don't deserve sleep, food, love,
I don't deserve a thing,

All the time,
I can't silence it,
I know its true,
That's why I never ignore it,

I scar up my body,
And enjoy pain,
Like some sick perversion,
So anxious,

I haven't found the cure,
The drug, friend, lover,
I feel like I've tried over and over,
But I know I deserve the feeling,

Stuck inside my head,
The darkness engulfed any light I ever had,
If I ever had any,
No energy left to create even a flicker,
I just feel more cold and dead every single day.