The Nightmare You didn't Save me From

It's dark.
I'm alone.
I feel helpless.
A face, your face?
No, not you someone else.
Someone who wants me to go follow them.
I can't.
I have to wait.
I need to be here when you get back.
They smile and say they know.
I sit paitently not moving.
They come closer and I can see them clearer.
Their's so familiar.
I know it.
No, not him!
Please go away!
I scream over and over.
Where are you when I need you?
You said you'd protect me from the dark.
You said I was safe in your arms.
You let me go.
You didn't try hard enough he says.
He's going to take me away.
I can't go, not yet.
He places his hands on my face.
His breath feels good against my lips.
He kisses me and his taste is nothing compared to yours.
I need you, now!
He holds me close.
Whispering sweet things in my ear.
I have to find a way out.
Help me please, save me!
He says you don't care.
Is he right?
Am I wasting time on you?
He can't be right.
You love me don't you?
Why am I fighting him alone?
Why aren't you here?
He says if I go he will care for me.
He will love me.
He will show me what I mean to him.
I don't want him though!
I can't hold on forever!
I feel my grip losening.
I'm slipping away!
The darkness is consuming me!

I sit.
His arms hold me close.
He doesn't let go.
He won't let me go my own way.
He says your nothing but a false imagination.
Your nothing more than a name.
I have to fake a smile.
I can't dream anymore.
I miss you.
I miss your arms wrapped around me protecting me from harm.
Why weren't you there for me?
Why did you let him take me?
He is the darkness that you didn't fight away.
He is the nightmare that consumes my every fate.
His smile doesn't make me feel wanted.
His voice doesn't soothe me.
His words scare me.
He isn't the one I want.
He isn't You.....