
Your breath on my neck,
Your hands on my skin.
Your lips glide against mine,
and I feel myself longing to have you in me.
To feel Your body pressed against me,
our skins caressing one another,
is pure ecstasy.
My whispers in your ear,
Yours in mine,
makes my body shake with pleasure.
A bite on my neck,
a kiss along yours,
Your nails in my back,
and mine in Yours,
tends to send such a thrill through me.
A growl and a groan,
a muffled echo,
a scream,
my body quivering as You send me over the edge,
over and over.
Down Your chest,
Along Your hip,
the way You taste is sweet.
My lips on You,
my warm wet mouth,
my tongue licks every inch of You.
Excited and wanting more.