Typical Soulmate Poem

I know you're out there.
I just don't know who you are yet.
I may have met you.
We may have been in love already,
But just at different times.
We may have passed each other by.

Or maybe, we've yet to know one another.

But we'll find out.

We'll go through the process,
Run through the routine, the gamut.
We'll spend hours lying awake
Wondering who the other is,
What face is lurking behind
The other side of the door.

And when our eyes do allign like stars,
We'll go through each step in tradition.
We'll wait two days before exchanging contacts,
Three more before actually calling,
Maybe a month or two before we make a date.

We'll deal with stale movie theatre popcorn
And overpriced soft drinks
Just so that we can discuss the show when it's over.

We'll worry, just as everyone else does,
When the "labels" are okay,
And when we should stop seeing other people.

We'll run the risk of losing it all
When we've realized we're in love
But don't know if we're alone it it.

But we aren't. We won't be.

We'll do it all,
From the typical soulmate poems
To the arguments about who should pay,
To the first Christmas, second anniversary,
And third Valentine's day.
We'll run the gamut, run the bases,
Learn each other's body and faces
Better than we know our own.
We'll wake up together, fall asleep together,
Fall stupidly for one another.

It will happen one day, with you.
I don't know who you are yet,
But I'm sorry that you're waiting, too.