Why Do I Miss Him

Why do i miss him?
Why do i even care?
What did he have to offer?
What did he ever do to help me?
His way of "love" hurt,
In every way, scaring every time,
Giving me nightmares up to this day,
Not knowing what to think,
And left to this tragic world,
lost, confused, and hurt...
Why every night when i lay down,
he comes through my mind,
and brings tears to these wore out eyes...
You took so much from me, when you were here,
When you got put in jail,
You still took from me,
Every day i suffer!
From all the abuse you put me through,
I wish that, you never were here,
Things would be different...
And maybe my wish to die, wouldnt be so bad,
Or even there...
♠ ♠ ♠
Last night when i layed down i felt over powered with emotions and decided to write it down