where are you

he was a boy
my boy to be exact
he was my world
and he was my life.

planning to get married
expecting our first child
a beautiful daughter,
he seemed so happy.

the night
not like any other night
our engagement party to be exact.
he was late..nowhere ...where?

the phone rang
a unknown voice...
said come quick he tried to take his life
....the phone drops

sittn at the hospital waitn on the word...
how was
was he ok
millions of questions racin through my mind...

the doc comes out
a look in her eyes
a guiltiness in her voice
sorrow on her face..

he didnt make it hes gone
i lost it all

more thoughts
he left me
he left our daughter to be
....hes simply gone

to many thoughts
to many tears

he was a boy
my boy to be exact
he died tht night
so did my dreams
so did my future
♠ ♠ ♠
bout my world and how i lost it