Poem of Sins- Envy

Mother, do you hear me?
Mother, do you see me?

I was alone in the beginning
I was alone in the end
And everything in-between

I have always been alone in this world
This place full of darkness
And made of lies

I tried to please you
To lift myself out of the dark void
And earn your love

But you never accepted me
No, you never cared
You tossed me aside

You let me drown in the dark water
Of pain, and lonliness
All alone......

I rose up on my own
Only to fall down again
As a lack of my own strength

So tell me something
Make something clear to me

Are you happy now?
Do you laugh, knowing the sorry being you made me into?
Do you care in the least about me?

But you don't
And I know why
It is all so simple

I am Envy
And nobody loves me
I am forever alone

Mother, do you hear me?
Mother, do you see me?

But I know the answer
No one does.

For I am nobody
To you, at least.
♠ ♠ ♠
this has nothing to do with FMA.