Imaginary Company

He helps me when I'm incomplete
When I am all alone.
He tries with everything in his heart
to make me feel at home.
And I know I overlook the fact
that he has other things to do
I just really need him here right now
Just to help me through.
I'm glad he's here, so glad I have him
Someone who can make me smile, when I sadden
And I know he won't be there too long
as I have to wake up someday.
But while he's here I'm happy.
Because he takes my pain away.

Realeases my inner sorrow, as if it was never really there
He helps me to hold on to life as if I could anyway
Although I overlook the fact, that really I'm on my own.
Because nobody else can see this man. This figment of my imagination.
God I know, I overlook the fact, that he isn't really there, that he is in my brain
I'm thankful, just so thankful. That he helps me through my pain.