Call Me A Name

Bitch, hoe, slut loser, slacker,
Words hurt but people forget.

Gay, lesbian, bi, whore, skank,
Things slip but just hide the upset.

Fay, crazy, stupid, geek, retard,
They don't realize, don't let them see.

Jerk, weirdo, dork, dumb, ugly,
They think it's funny, just laugh along.

Idiot, witch, pathetic, homo, barbie,
They don't see, they don't need to.

Cunt, arrogant, smart-ass, shorty, panzy,
They smile latter, I'll but it;s ok.

Bastard, fucker, asshole, moron, pussy,
They say suck it up, I laugh.

Douchbag, jackass, spaz, sucker, slick,
They say just kidding, are they really?

Putz, punk ,wuss, drink, insane,
They say no offense, Offense was taken.

Crybaby, shithead, trash, queer, psycho,
They don't realize, I am breaking.

Pig, gold digger, maniac, dweeb, greedy,
They don't see, I just won't eat tonight.

Doofus, lazy dick, baby, nimrod,
They'll never know I think I'd rather die.

Huge, airhead, blonde, bimbo, deadbeat,
They continue on, I am scared for my life.

Chicken, hick, scum, sicko, tight-ass,
Names last forever, so do mental scares.

Klutz, redneck, zero, halfwit, bum,
drunk, cock head, mean, coward, brain dead,
The names never end.