
You love me,
I hate you.
You want me,
I want you out.
I love you again,
it's not love, its lust.
I want you,
you want me.
We fuck and get it all out.
Then we yell at each other,
hit each other,
hate each other.
Next thing you know,
we making out,
whispering sweet nothings into each others ears.
I hate you,
I hate you,
I swear to God I hate you..
omg I love you.
You hit me,
and I forgive you.
Why do I do it when all you do is cause me pain?
Maybe I think its because I have hope
that you will change.
Maybe I am just addicted to the pain.
All we do is fight,
then fuck each other like we don't know each other.
The bruises and black eyes are proof of your love.
The scars in your heart and bad words in your mind
are proof that I still care.
We are fighting each other to fight for each other.
I love you,
I hate you.
You love me,
I still hate you.
Lets get at it again baby,
its not love, its lust.
I love you baby,
so come on,
hit me, choke me, kill me.
Kiss me, love me, fuck me.
Yes baby, I swear you're the only one.
Yes baby, I forgive you even after you nearly killed me.
Lets just stay together,
get back together,
stay happy in the abusive relationship.
Its fucked up, I know.
But I can't help it,
it's insane,
I'm addicted to the pain.