Disliking You

Oh How Much I Dislike You.
You cause me headache.
You cause me pain.
So remind me why I dislike you again?
Our friendship is a fake.
Your words are a lie.
So please do us all a favor, F.O.D. (fuck off & die).
We have nothing in common,
Because you’re so dull.
So I think you owe for my wasted time; pay me in full.
You’re nothing special,
Really, nothing at all.
So step off that ladder; quit acting so damn tall.
You’re the annoyance that are the noises that keep me from my sleep.
You’re the crumpled piece of paper, I don’t ‘tend to keep.
And you’re the frightening sight that corrupts my pathetic cry.
So throw me out of your memory, and don’t bother kiss me goodbye.
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