This Hunger (Version Two)

There's times I still think back about you and hurt.
I can't help but wonder, what was it worth?
It'd be sick to say I miss you,
But I'm disturbed enough to miss being what we used to.
I have a craving of all the feelings that came with.
Feeling so safe and small in your arms, I will always miss.
'Fighting the urge to scream at the top of my lungs with joy, but never could I.
Every damn time I was near you, I was too fucking shy!
We used to laugh, and oh I used to smile.
I dreamt of being with you for the longest while.
There wasn't a force strong enough to tear us apart.
That unweakening love that bled through my heart.
I was knee deep in shit, feeling like I was flying way up high.
'Never crashing burning because I ran on the fact of you and I.
I lived for those texts in the morning and phone calls late at night.
I woke up every morning, because for once, everything felt right!
You were mine to love, cherish, protect, and adore.
I was yours forever and even more.
You were the blood racing through my veins,
'The one and only drug keeping me sane.
Nothing nor nobody was as perfect as you were to me.
You were my light at the end of the tunnel I could always see.
There were times we'd joke and I'd tell you how you ruined me,
Now I know it was the better me you helped me come to be!
'Finally those fucking puzzle peices were coming together...
Just in time for me to see into forever.
That one night you ended it all.
I kept falling and falling, knowing you'd never catch my fall.
That was when my life came down suffocating the life right out of me.
I cried and cried, clenching my fists, hoping to just fall asleep...

Sleep never came, and neither did the end of that pain.
Over and over I told myself it wasn't real; it was only a fucked up game.
But I'd see you that next night,
Again, my demonic angel would be in my sight.
Harder than I thought; I couldn't control.
I was lucky he was there, he was the only cure for the pain, the only null.
Then you came back to me, quickly putting me together again so I was whole.
We got stupid within minutes later, baby, remember what we did?
We both wanted it, baby, this is something we couldn't keep hid.
I was out of it, but I remember.
You took something from me that's now lost and gone forever.
Once the night was over and we kissed goodbye,
I began growing smarter deep down inside.
I became fucking scared.
My mind wasn't correct, I wasn't prepared!
If we seperated again, I couldn't relive the pain!
All the crying and hurting would drive me insane!
I couldn't loose you a 3rd time,
No, I wanted you; you were mine.
I changed so quickly, you lost interest like that.
The ending came so harshly; the words practically spat.
My heart shattered, and we were over.
You never kissed me goodbye; there was no closure...