
I was lost, running in the dark.
No Idea where to go, turning in circles without hope.
Replaying nightmares in my head,
But trying to hide from the ghosts.

You’re my strength, you gave me light.
Found the way, straight ahead.
Leave the darkness behind, wash the nightmares from my mind.
Put the spirits to rest.

But they will not rest.
They fallow me everywhere, coming to life.
In front of my eyes, hellish memories arise.
I can see every memory, like a film replayed for the sixth time.
Even what I tried to suppress was never really gone.

My strength fades now and then.
The lights go out.
But I battle on, weak, scared, tired.
The pure blackness consumes every bit of hope.
And still, I hope for a brighter day.
♠ ♠ ♠
A very personal story behind this.
But I thought it wouldn't hurt to share.