Grownup Too Soon

When she was three she would play with her baby doll
And pretend that she was an eight-year-old adult
When she was eight she would play make-believe
And pretend to be a 13-year-old pageant queen
When she was 13 she was a lonely beautiful pageant queen
And praying to be 18
When she was 18 she just wanted high school to end
And skip to the age of 22 when her life would finally begin
22 finally came and so did bills and a boy named James
3 years went by
And she looked back and sat in her kitchen and just cried
She just wanted to be 31
That way shell know what to expect because everything will have already been done
31 came
And it was pretty damn lame
Because she had done everything
And had nothing left to do that was exciting
It was then she wished she was 3
And could play with her baby dolls
And have themselves a tea party