
He pisses me off
He’s so fucking mean
He always says shit to and about me

I hate him so much

I hate the way he treats people
He found out my personal business
He told people about it
He tortured me with it
He carved it in my book

I hate him so much
I hate what he does

He always called me mean things
He called me a man, ugly, monkey, big blimp
And made fun of me when I was too skinny

I hate them so much

Why the hell do they torture my life
Why the hell do they bully me
What the hell does he care what his friends think
Why doesn’t he like me again
Why do guys like me here
And not there

Can you answer that crap
Can you answer why I was bullied
Can you answer why I’m liked here
Can you answer why he doesn’t like me anymore
Can you answer why my emotions feel like they’re at war
♠ ♠ ♠
This was the first poem I wrote. My 8th grade teacher had us do a 5 minute writing activity, for 5 minutes we wrote EVERYTHING that came to our mind... when then time was up we found the thoughts that were the most current in the writing and made it into a poem.