Not Worth It

You stand with your back against the wall
Fighting for breath
Struggling to see a light
Fighting for that next day

You stand with your back to the ocean
Feeling the waves pulling at you
Beckoning you to just fall backwards
Let them carry you to safety

You stand in the midst of the crowd
Still lonely
Still crying
Still breaking

They saw your tears
They saw your pain
Yet they walked away
They saw and gave up

They say you are worth so much
They say you can be anything
But when you try to find happiness
Everyone says you aren't worth it

Everyone says that you aren't a good person
That you aren't good enough
How do you cope with that
How do you stand with the storm raging against you

The winds are too strong
Teh thunder too loud
The rain to hard
You're blind can't see anything

You run
You jump over obstacles
Yet its like everything is against you
Cause you're not worth it.

You are not worth it.
I am not worth it.
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