The Game..

"Lets play a game"
he tells me and her.
A game, what kinda game?
A game that will later on, make you insane..
"You're first" he says to me,
takes me into the room,
this is where the terror starts,
You've been warned,
from here on, will be gloom.
He closes the door behind us,
and his pants drop to the floor.
BUt the pain and fear doesn't end there,
oh no, there is more.
He tells me to put my mouth on his priviate parts,
and I ask "why?"
See, I was just too young,
barely knew the difference between
the ground and sky.
He said "because it will be fun"
So I do as told.
He tells me "this is out little secret"
Our little secret? I just want to forget..
This happens a couple more times,
he asks me "Want to play a game?"
Even if I said no,
he still brought pain.
But this time, he asks something different.
He asks me to pull down my pants.
I couldn't even run,
didn't have the chance.
So he does it for me,
and it hurts so fucking much.
I try to scream and yell,
but a sound doesn't come out.
Just tears,
it was like being in Hell..
I hurts for a few months after,
oh I just want this to stop.
Want it to end,
don't want to fucking pretend.
Whats worse?
He was family,
all those years I asked
"How the fuck could this happen to me?"
Now because of that,
even though it doesn't happen anymore,
I still want to die,
these scars can't be buried.
So in my grave,
more of these secrets will lie.
I just ask one thing of my family,
forgive me...