You Can't Say I've Not Changed If You Never Knew Me

I was thinking about high school

Because it occurred in a dream

The boys from my class appeared

The ones that treated me like dirt

We were on a mission

Though the dream made no sense,

It got me to thinking,

My first school reunion is coming up.

What would they say about me now.

"How are you?" They might ask,

Though they are just saying.

I'd say, "Oh, you know, same old, same old"

But they would take more than just the surface of what I had to say

Once they get talking to me, soon they would say,

"You've not changed." With a cocky and content smile.

And I would turn my head and frown to say,

"You can't say I've not changed if you never knew me."

I imagine the looks on their face because its true.

How can you judge someone you never knew.