It's Hard to Forgive You

Oh, my heart.
My poor, poor heart.
Ripped so many ways
From the light to the dark.

Jesus tells us to forgive
And people make it so hard

I have a friendship
Barely worth keeping
Because it feels I'm the one reaping

You don't know me
You put me in that shadowy corner
I don't matter

You take pictures
You use your words
Everything you once told me
About innocence
It was a lie

You're caught up in the world
When we are called to be different
Your words are like the snakes whispers
Pulling me in the dark.

When I refuse your sin
I am the one being called out
When I don't agree
It is always me who is wrong
People scorn me for walking the harder path
But we were told the path to heaven wasn't easy

I want to forgive you
But you give me reasons not to
I want to accept you
When you don't accept me
You act like there is always a place at our home for you
But how can I leave that door open if you are a nasty storm
Always letting yourself in like a forceful wind
I want to shut the door, keep out the sin
I want to shut the door because maybe then I'll win?
I can't stop feeling this hate for you
And its bringing me down
I can't be friends with you when the scale is tipped.
You can't live one world and expect to come back to another
Liar, two faced.

I have forgiven you many times,
Though not physically.
And I thought about telling you how I feel
I'm scared you won't listen.
I could take a friend with me and help me explain
But then you'd feel like you were being ganged up on.
If I brought everyone who knows my pain
And had tell tell you the same thing
Would you still deny me and the wrong
If you won't let me forgive you I am called to ignore you

Give me the strength for what I should do, God
I am so scared.
And I've been hurt so much
And I know there won't be a change
I can address him
But things will go back to the same
Should I just forget him like he's forgotten me
I want revenge so bad.
I have to give that do you, God
I am but a burning log
The feeling I have is burning anger
Will I be left for ashes?
Be the calming water that puts me out
One word: Forgive
I ask for help and strength.