Mirror of My Future

I can hardly see myself
MJ told me
To start with the man in the mirror
But, I only wish I saw it clearer
Stained and tarnished
Varnished with blood.
I'm looking in and it's looking in me
It sees the pain in my smile,
It sees the sorrow in my eyes
It sees that I'm not alive.
It's with me when I'm by myself
And when I'm trying to understand myself.
Sees a glass... that's half full
But sees a glass that's full of cracks
Spilling... pouring... showing everything
That I lack.
But this is where it all starts
Trying to redefine my heart
They say "We're products of our past
but not slaves to it."
I'll listen to what he said,
Telling me it starts with here
But not looking at this mirror
Or the man I view in it
But I'm looking to the future
To the man I will view in it.