
There's such a heavy weight on my shoulders
It's drowning me, weighing me down like boulders
It's filling my lungs and stopping my heart
But it doesn't matter now, it was already torn apart

Thousands of miles between us, I've lost the ability to swim
My love is now useless, my lungs filled to the brim
Nothing can save me now, I was doomed from the start
Give me a second chance, forget the feelings in my heart

Those sad thoughts forever leaving my twisted mind
To never have to look back, unable to rewind
To be consumed by the water, never to be heard of again
To slowly drift away, from life I will be banned

But then I see your face, and I think of your smile
And I realize in that moment, I want to stay a little while
But it's too late now, eyesight has left, for I am blind
And then I feel your touch, your hand reaching for mine

You pull me up, I feel air reaching my lungs
Water leaving me, my throat dry and stung
I open my eyes, but you are nowhere to be found
I'm all alone, there's not a single sound

I get up and find myself sitting in my bed
My breathing is ragged, I'm full of cold sweat
I suppose not everything is as it always seems
Because yet again, this was just another dream.