
Can't you hear me crying out?
I'm screamning and yelling so loud
I guess it must all be in my head
I always knew I was going mad

People keep telling me how useless I am
I always figured no one would give a damn
At least no one can hate me as much as I do
I'll never in life be good enough for you

I wish you all the happiness in this life
Because your sadness cuts trough me like a knife
I wish I could hold you, just this one time
Maybe in some other life, you'll finally be mine

This lonely me is the part people never see
I wish people would leave me alone, leave me be
Let me wallow, because I don't want you to care
I'm used to this, life has never been fair

So I lay on the floor yet again
I drown out these voices I can't stand
And as I slowly drift to sleep
I realize I have no more promises to keep.