Never ending Lunatic.

We are the ugly,
We are the hated.
We are the freaks,
We are the wasted.

Our eye's burn with hatred,
Our breath is stained with alcohol.
Our lungs burned by our drugs,
Our words drop with venom.

The music we listen to is the devil's music,
We will curse you with our words.
No one wants to be on our side,
We're such bad people.

We are the ugly,
Stripping at the clubs every night.
Alcohol is all we know,
Then Add the drugs.

We are the hated,
As we walk the streets.
People staring,
Hating how we look.

We are the freaks,
As we love the same gender.
Our lungs burn with each others breathing,
No one can say a thing behind closed doors.

We are the Wasted,
Falling all over each other.
The truth falling like daggers,
the words are venomous.

Society block us off,
Shoving us in the shadows.
No one can know about us here,
But, they really do.

You're just afraid to know what we think,
We're insane.
You're actually like us,
Never ending lunatic.
♠ ♠ ♠
My beautiful Boyfriend wrote this. He's such an amazing writer. <3